MINNEAPOLIS (Sept 1, 2009) - Each year an estimated 3,500 women and 68 men in the state of Minnesota are diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. With each diagnosis comes the fear of the unknown and the need for reliable and current information, a clear support system and access to local resources. For individuals impacted by breast cancer, as well as their family and friends, the resources available in Minnesota are among the most outstanding in the nation. To assist cancer patients become their own best advocates, The Breast Cancer Awareness Association provides a forum with the latest information on breast cancer prevention, treatment and survivorship issues.
The Living with Breast Cancer Educational Conference will be held on Saturday, October 3, 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM at the Minneapolis Convention Center. In a supportive, inspiring and non-threatening environment, Living with Breast Cancer provides the education and resources desired by the growing number of people touched by breast cancer each year. The conference provides a forum, resources and sense of inspiration for all that attend.
Renowned breast cancer health experts will share information on prevention, treatment and survivorship. This year’s seminars are:
- Cutting Edge Findings in Breast Cancer: What Do They Mean for You and Your Family
- Knowledge is Power: Updates on Oncology
- Do Your Genes Fit? Genetics and Breast Cancer
- Not Your Same Kodak Moment: New Modalities in Imaging
- The Science and Spirit of How Nature Heals
- Ayruvedic: Concepts of Food and Nutrition
- Insomnia and Other Sleep Disorders: What Should People Know
- Staying Abreast: Innovations in Plastic Surgery
- The Birds, The Bees & You: Sexual Health for Men and Women
- To the Heart of the Matter: Heart Health for Women
- Clinical Trials: Mapping our Future
- A Yen for Yoga: Exercise for Mind, Body and Spirit
Resource Center
Participants will have the opportunity to visit with local health organizations and learn more about services, health products and support available in Minnesota. Among this year’s resources are: American Center Society; Abbott Northwestern Hospital – Virginia Piper Breast Center; Alliance African American Breast Cancer; John W. Nick Foundation – Dedicated to Male Breast Cancer Awareness; Minnesota Breast Cancer Coalition; Sage Screening Program – MN Department of Health; Susan G. Komen for the Cure – Minnesota Affiliate; and many more.
A Sense of Style
Possibly the highlight of the day’s programs is the inspiration given in the Sense of Style Show where men and women breast cancer survivors walk the runway to demonstrate, celebrate and inspire the journey through breast cancer.
For more information about the Living with Breast Cancer Educational Conference and to register go to www.bcaamn.org. Registration fees range from $25 for student to $45. The BCEA is commit to making this unique educational conference available to all regardless of a person’s financial situations, some scholarships are available. If you would like to sponsor a scholarship in honor of or in memory of a friend or loved one, your tax-deductable gift can be made by going to www.bcaa.org
Attention Media: To learn more about the important topics that will be discussed at the Conference or to schedule an interview with the presenters; the Sense of Style Survivors or the founders of the BCEA, please contact Peggy Davies, 612-798-7212.
About the Breast Cancer Awareness Association:
The mission of the Breast Cancer Awareness Association (BCEA) is educational and inspirational: to fulfill the needs and desires of people impacted with breast cancer. In our 8 years we have met so many wonderful people, men and women, young and old, with diverse and varied backgrounds. The sad truth is that breast cancer knows no boundaries. Because of this, we are very passionate about helping everyone learn about breast cancer detection, prevention, treatment, and support resources. We continue to believe that with knowledge comes empowerment, with community comes inspiration, and with support comes hope. We want to thank all of the esteemed professionals who so generously share their time, expertise, and knowledge with us on this important day. It is a day of celebration, it is a day of sharing the beauty, grace, and strength of ALL breast cancer survivors and their loved ones. Thank you very much for attending. We hope that this day fills you with knowledge, enriches your life and most of all, leave you with HOPE.
Welcome to the 8th annual Twin Cities Breast Cancer Awareness Local experts donate their time to speak at the conference; the conference is supported through registration fees, donations and sponsorships
The Breast Cancer Awareness Association is an educational and inspirational non-profit organization which fulfills the needs and desires of survivors, families and friends. To learn more about the BCAA and to register for the Living with Breast Cancer Conference go to www.bcaamn.org.