Dr. Jonathon Slater
Dr. Jonathan Slater was Sage’s first program director and has been Chief of Cancer Control at the Minnesota Department of Health since 1992. As a behavioral epidemiologist he has performed extensive research on using social marketing to increase cancer screening among undeserved women. Dr. Slater was the Principal Investigator on numerous grants from the National Cancer Institute and the Center for Disease Control. He received his PhD from Pennsylvania State University and a three-year National Service Award for a National Institute of Health postdoctoral fellowship in the Division of Epidemiology at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Slater is also a member of the University of Minnesota Cancer Center’s Prevention and Etiology Research Program.
Gay Lynn Richards MS, RN, MPS, CNS
Gay Lynn Richards is a clinical nurse specialist and Regional Coordinator for the Sage Screening Program at the Minnesota Department of Health. Gay Lynn received her nursing bachelorette degree from Dominican University in San Rafael, California and Masters in Public Health from the University of Minnesota. After working in oncology nursing she received an advanced certification in breast health from the Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. She is a recipient of the Outstanding Alumni Achievement Awards from the Dominican University of San Rafael, California and the Community Service Award by the University Of Minnesota School Of Public Health. Gay Lynn also volunteers with the American Cancer Society.